The List of Qualifications > Business PERFORMANCEThe List of Qualifications Major Projects Major Clients The List of Qualifications Title Go! No. Qualifications Title 19 Sustainable Supplier Certificate 18 ISO 9001 : 2015 Edition Certificate 17 NDE Certificates 16 Neville-Clarke Certificates 15 GE Power System Certificate 14 API Certificates 13 BSI Certificate 12 AWS Member Certificate 11 Bechtel Qualification 10 Aramco Qualifications 9 IICL Certificate 8 Certificate of Commission, Dep't of Labor and Industry, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA 7 Certificate of Commission, National Board Authorized Inspector (AI), ASME 6 Certificate of National Board, "B" Endorsement Course (Authorized Inspector Supervisor / AIS), ASME 5 IQA Member Certificate ‹‹<12>››